Elderly Health Care
Welcome to Uplift Home CareOur job is to help your loved ones live safely and confidently at home.
Colorado Nursing Homes Eye Traveling Nurses as ‘Quick Solution’
As Colorado faces the highest number of COVID-19 patients it’s seen in the past year with more than 94% of the ICU beds in the state currently occupied, Gov. Jared Polis has pointed to long-term care facilities as a possible lifeline for hospitals during this surge.
Medical Directors Must Remain Innovative as Nursing Homes Treat Higher Acuity Patients
A medical director has to be more “engaged” than ever in its nursing home’s everyday operations at a time when facilities continue to see an influx of higher acuity patients, Dr. Justin Di Rezze, CEO of Theoria Medical, said.
Frustration Growing Over Unfair Federal Nursing Home Regulations
As nursing home operators across the country work to implement a staff vaccination mandate that many feel singles out the industry, those that work in nursing homes are expressing resentment over how the sector continues to be regulated and scrutinized.
Rather than penalizing and pushing staff out of these facilities even further, Andi Clark, chief nursing officer for Consulate Health Care, would like to see a more proactive and realistic approach on federal regulations moving forward.
“If you’ve had surveys lately, and we have, I think they are pretty ferocious,” she said during a one-on-one conversation at the Skilled Nursing News RETHINK conference this week. “I think they are very unfair. I think they forget how hard we’re still working.”
Pandemic Unveils Growing Suicide Crisis for Communities of Color
Rafiah Maxie has been a licensed clinical social worker in the Chicago area for a decade. Throughout that time, she’d viewed suicide as a problem most prevalent among middle-aged white men.
More Discharges to Home, Have we Moved the Needle Too Far?
Sicker patients, after less time spent in a hospital, are being diverted from a skilled nursing facility in favor of home care and hospice, according to a recent analysis by care coordination software provider CarePort.
Senior Rehabilitation Centers: Care Options After a Hospital Stay
Did you know that families have options when choosing where to complete rehab for elderly loved ones after they’re discharged from the hospital? From skilled nursing homes that offer 24-hour care to rehab services that can be carried out at home or at an assisted living community, learn about options that will help your loved one get better as quickly and safely as possible.
Contact Us

Biloxi, MS 39532
Telephone: 228-280-8231
Email: info@uplifthc.com
Hours: M-F: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: On-call