Elderly Health Care
Welcome to Uplift Home CareOur job is to help your loved ones live safely and confidently at home.
Inside a COVID-19 Testing Company’s Nursing Home Strategy
One of the most important weapons for fighting the novel coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is also one of the most glaring gaps in the country’s health system: a lack of rapid, widespread testing for COVID-19.
With Medical Safety Gear Scarce, The Public Is Stepping Up.
Increasingly desperate pleas from health care workers and public authorities for donations of face masks and other protective gear are an unsettling sign of just how unprepared American hospitals are for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Surging Health Care Worker Quarantines Raise Concerns As Coronavirus Spreads
Across California, dozens more health care workers have been ordered home because of possible contagion in response to more than 80 confirmed cases as of Sunday afternoon. In Kirkland, Washington, more than a quarter of the city’s fire department was quarantined after exposure to a handful of infected patients at the Life Care Center nursing home.
School Districts Grapple With Quarantines, Face Masks And Fear
School districts across the U.S., particularly those with large Asian American populations, have scrambled to respond to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, which has killed more than 2,000 people and sickened tens of thousands more, almost all in China.
L.A.’s Chinese Community Braces For Coronavirus
The use of face masks is common in China. But when Chinese immigrants wear them in the U.S., it often conflicts with guidance from officials, who warn that they offer minimal protection and could lull wearers into a false sense of security.
Bundled Payments for Joint Replacements Saved Medicare Money
The Bundled Payments for Care Improvement model (BPCI) seeks to both decrease Medicare expenditures and streamline reimbursements by providing one set amount for all providers involved in an episode of care.
Contact Us

Biloxi, MS 39532
Telephone: 228-280-8231
Email: info@uplifthc.com
Hours: M-F: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: On-call