Elderly Health Care
Welcome to Uplift Home CareOur job is to help your loved ones live safely and confidently at home.
Reports Of Patients’ Deaths Linked To Heart Devices Lurk Below Radar
The Food and Drug Administration continues to file thousands of reports of patients’ deaths related to medical devices through a reporting system that keeps the safety data out of the public eye.
Tips on Finding the Right Family Caregiver Support Group for Dementia
If you are caring for a person living with dementia, this discussion may give you some direction in your search for the right family support group.
Black Mothers Get Less Treatment For Postpartum Depression
Portia Smith’s most vivid memories of her daughter’s first year are of tears. Not the baby’s. Her own. At 18, Smith was caring for two children with little help from the partner in her abusive relationship.
This Story Contains A Warning That Might Cause Alarm — Or Apathy
The discussion about including acetaminophen to the California Prop 65 warning has once again raised questions about the value of Proposition 65 warnings to consumers.
When Caring For A Sick Spouse Shakes A Marriage To The Core
For a dozen years, Larry Bocchiere, 68, didn’t find it especially difficult to care for his wife, Deborah, who struggled with breathing problems. But as her illness took a downward turn, he became overwhelmed by stress.
Bill to Expand Nursing Homes’ Access to Background-Check Database
A new piece of legislation before Congress would expand nursing homes’ ability to perform detailed background checks on potential employees, according to its sponsor.
Contact Us

Biloxi, MS 39532
Telephone: 228-280-8231
Email: info@uplifthc.com
Hours: M-F: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: On-call