Elderly Health Care
Welcome to Uplift Home CareOur job is to help your loved ones live safely and confidently at home.
Taking The Cops Out Of Mental Health-Related 911 Rescues
Over the past four years, Vinnola has been charged in four separate Colorado courts and arrested multiple times almost every month either for new offenses or on warrants for failing to appear in court. But soon, he might encounter mental health professionals on the street instead of cops.
Providers Call for Skilled Nursing Opportunity in Dialysis Model
A new proposed rule that would expand Medicare coverage of dialysis services has already generated interest among skilled nursing operators, and multiple voices have called on officials to further cement the SNF connection.
Mental Health for Seniors: How to Identify Problems and Get Care
The National Council on Aging found that “people 85 and older have the highest suicide rate of any age group.” With startling statistics such as these, why are seniors not accessing more mental health resources?
Medicare Reimbursement for Skilled Nursing Providers Under PDPM
Faced with a sea change in the Medicare reimbursement system for nursing homes, operators have spent the last year asking a key question about their therapy offerings: outsource or in-house? And if the answer is outsourcing, what will that relationship look like moving forward in unfamiliar payment landscape?
The Link Between Heart Health and Sleep in Seniors
Eating a balanced diet, giving up unhealthy habits and participating in regular exercise are well-known steps to take to have better heart health and increased longevity. However, we don’t often hear about the importance of getting enough sleep to maintain a healthy heart.
6 Reasons Why Visiting Loved Ones Keeps Seniors Happy and Young
Spending time with family and visiting parents and senior loved ones has huge benefits for their health, primarily keeping them emotionally happy and physically young.
Contact Us

Biloxi, MS 39532
Telephone: 228-280-8231
Email: info@uplifthc.com
Hours: M-F: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: On-call